Written by David Kushner, Wired
December 1st, 2005
20 million kids can't get enough - and neither can advertisers. How a virtual animal kingdom became a product placement paradise.
Written by David Kushner, Wired
September 1st, 2005
In the booming world of online poker, anyone can win. Especially with an autoplaying robot ace in the hole. Are you in, human?
Written by David Kushner, Salon
February 22nd, 2005
Two kids, 13 and 15, killed an innocent highway motorist. Was a violent computer game responsible -- or their sad lives?
Written by David Kushner, Rolling Stone
January 13th, 2004
Justin Frankel, the man who made it easy to swap music online, has even bigger plans.
Written by David Kushner, Rolling Stone
November 13th, 2003
Detroit's hottest car designers were raised on video games and MTV. It shows.