Written by David Kushner, Matter
August 25th, 2014
Supporters of Internet freedom rallied around weev before he went to prison. But now that the hacker is out, he’s douchier—and maybe scarier—than ever
Written by David Kushner, Rolling Stone
February 13th, 2014
It was the eBay of vice, an online hub of guns, drugs and crime. But its alleged founder soon learned that you can't rule the underworld without spilling some blood.
Written by David Kushner, Rolling Stone
January 29th, 2014
How a teenage misfit became the keep of Julian Assange's darkest secrets - only to betray him.
Written by David Kushner, Rolling Stone
December 14th, 2013
Online vigilante Deric Lostutter helped expose the cover-up in the Steubenville rape case. Now he's facing more jail time than the convicted rapists.
Written by David Kushner, Rolling Stone
September 19th, 2013
America's most badass hackers are going to war for the government.
Written by David Kushner, The New Yorker
April 30th, 2012
The man who started the hacker wars.
Written by David Kushner, GQ
April 24th, 2012
How a lonely, self-taught hacker found his way into the private emails of movie stars – and into the underworld of the celebrity-skin business.
Written by David Kushner, GQ
January 17th, 2012
Every online scam begins more or less the same—a random e-mail, a sketchy attachment. But every so often, a new type of hacker comes along. Someone who rewrites the rules, not just the code. He secretly burrows his way into your hard drive, then into your
Written by David Kushner, IEEE Spectrum
July 15th, 2011
Gary McKinnon hacked thousands of government computers
Written by David Kushner, Mother Jones
May 1st, 2010
Meet the shadowy figure behind the whistleblower site WikiLeaks.
Written by David Kushner, Boston Magazine
April 2nd, 2010
Three years ago a group of computer geeks slipped into the servers at Framingham-based TJX — the parent company of T. J. Maxx — and orchestrated the world’s biggest identity heist.
Written by David Kushner, Rolling Stone
August 25th, 2009
He was a 14-year-old blind kid, angry and alone. Then he discovered that he possessed a strange and fearsome superpower - one that put him in the cross hairs of the FBI
Written by David Kushner, Rolling Stone
March 26th, 2009
Ray Kurzweil and the coming Techno Rapture.
Written by David Kushner, Rolling Stone
November 13th, 2008
Inspired by a renegade teacher, the kids at Philly's toughest high school are saving the environment - and themselves.
Written by David Kushner, Maxim
July 31st, 2008
A faceless, unstable virtual army masses to take on a religion.